(July 11th - 13th 2025)
Dapartment of RAdiodiagnosis - A Centre of Excellence
- The medical services of the Madras Presidency have used X-ray for many years. It was in the nineteen thirties, the department of radiology and cancer did embark in a modest form at Stanley Medical School and Hospital. The first x-ray outfit was obtained in the year 1933.It was provided by a solitary technician and a portable X-ray machine. Then the department was headed by Dr. Sundaresan, who was succeeded by Dr. Thotadri in 1938. In 1938, the department of Radiology was expanded along with medical and surgical department. There have been many changes since then Subsequently Dr. A. N. K. Menon, denned the role as Radiologist. During his regime the faculty of Radio- diagnosis was being instructed in the form of lectures to D.M. & S. students.
- It was in the year 1947 the department did Earn the recognition of U.G.C. under the able Auspices of Dr. A. N. K. Menon. During this period a Physiotherapy department was installed with Facilities for UV, USV and infra red therapy. In 1953, Dr. Menon re-entered Stanley Hospital as the first Reader in Radiology and then was elevated as the first Professor of Radiology in 1959 with assistant Professors, as his deputees. In 1962 April when the P.G. Diploma Course in Diagnostic Radiology was launched, the latter became the Dean of Stanley Hospital and Dr. Arcot. Gajraj, took over the reigns of the Radiology department till 1967. Dr. Gajaraj's Tenure was punctuated with annexure of an outpatient block where a 500 MA Unit, an special 200 MA Craniography units an mobile units were housed Special studies like vascular radiology took roots. The year 1963 witnessed the Silver Jubilee celebrations in association with a full fledged Cancer Ward, a Cancer Theater, with facilities for treatment of cancer patients with radio-active cobalt tubes and needlws-the first of its kind in Tamil Nadu. Then during the stewardship Of Dr. A.S. Aswathaman (1967-1970), the D.M.R.D. Course was renamed as D.M.R. which was a Combination of both Diagnosis and Therapy.
- The new radiology block was inaugurated in the out patient department in room no 14 on 16th dec.1966, by Chief minister M. Bakthavatchalam, Health minister Tmt. Jothy venkatachalam, DME Dr. Y. Janarthanan and Dean Prof. A. N. K. Menon. Fluoroscopy and other contrast procedures were started in room no.4. First CRA &DRA course was started in 1968.
- Between 1970-80 the Radiology department acquired many gadgets like 200 MA Siemens unit, 100 MA mobile units, 30 MA IGE mobile unit, three 50 MA IGE mobile units and 500 MA dual tube machines.
- In 1983, the department was provided with Cobalt '60 Teletheraphy unit in 1985 a simulator was added to the therapy side and a Siemens Ultrasound machine in favour of Radio diagnosis. This transformation of conventional Radiology to imaging sciences, and upgradation of cancer therapy took shape during the leadership of Dr. Annamalai.
- Between 1984-88 Dr. C. G. Durairaj and Dr. Swaminathan headed the department, for two different periods. In 1988 Dr. M. Panchatcharam took over as the Chief and his period witnessed the installation of machines. The year 1991 heralded with the advent of C.T. Whole body Scanner at Govt. Stanley Hospital, Madras signaling the bolt from the blue with the long cherished dream of the department translated into a reality. First whole body CT scanner in the entire state was inaugurated on 11th march 1991 by our Vice Chancellor Dr. Lalitha Kameshwaran in ward no 201 adjacent to trauma ward. The acquisition of both 500 MA IGE image intensifier with T.V. monitoring and C.T. machine was made possible owing to the personal involvement and help extended by the Dean M. Gopalakrishnan.
- During the period 1995 to 2005 Prof. K. C. Saravanan headed the department in which a new Toshiba CT machine replaced the old one in the year of 2001. Five new L&T ultrasound units were installed in the year 2002-2003. Two 500 mA, one 300mA and one 100 mA units were added during the period 2001-2003.
- The department of Radiology has been shifted to a new block 301 with two storeys during the tenure of Prof. K. Malathi. In August 2007, 1.5 Tesla MRI Siemens Magnetom scan unit started functioning in the ground floor of new block . Our new block is fully established with class rooms for residents, seminar hall and library. From 16th June 2010 USG is functioning in first floor of the new block.
- Mammography unit started on August 2010 in first floor of new block. Digital radiography was inaugurated in first floor on November 2010.
- Prof. C. Amarnath headed the department in may 2011, a highly dynamic and dedicated radiologist, who leaves no stone unturned in his efforts to develop the department. His selfless contribution and tireless service for the innovation of the department and the college creates GOLDEN PERIOD of Stanley radiology . He is one of the most approachable and student-friendly Professors in this college who's enthusiasm is highly infectious and encouraging. He is one of the coordinator behind the recognition of 250 MBBS seats in Stanley Medical college .With the help of the dean Dr. S. Geethalakshmi and the DME Dr. C. Vamsadhara we got DMRD, MD (Radiodiagnosis) recognition and new equipments to this department.